Due to the injury Jeremey was unable to play in their HOME game last night and this morning.
Here he is "sporting" his lovely Lime Green Leisure Suit! The team always dresses up for their home games in "unusual" get ups!! I told him he looked like Anchorman!!
It is a CHALLENGE as a mother to sit and watch him NOT play! I think it is just our instinct to want to make it ALL BETTER as quickly as possible and there are just somethings that WE can't! Sometimes I wish we were back to the days where a little "kiss" on their Boo-boos was enough! These days I'm sure he doesn't want me to Kiss it and make it better!
I know he wished he was out on the court these last 2 games - but hopefully he will be by championships the end of February! He is trying to walk without the crutches and is doing quite well...... Stay tuned for the rest of the story!
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