Friday, 22 May 2009

Fish is FINISHED!!

Well - the track season for the FISH is over.... The last track meet was held in Leeds and guess what?!!!! Yep - the Fish got hurt again!!!! This time it was the night before at the school carnival! He thought that after he had iced and heated his calf it would feel good enought to run the next morning.... He left for the meet hobbling and moaning of the discomfort he was in.....

Upon our arrival I tried to assist Jeremey by rubbing some "icy hot" on it... He was not liking that one bit! Below he is taking over himself as the discomfort was too much when I was rubbing!

Needless to say - it was WAY too painful to run so he did not qualify for europeans in Germany. He is recovering fine and will be beefing up on the milk and steaks during the summer so we don't have as many injuries during football season in August!
Jeremey can "run like the wind"... he ran a good race and we are so proud of him!

1 comment:

Josh & Hillar said...

I need to come over to England and be his personal trainer. I feel bad for him... I need to wrap some ankles! I miss it!!